Tips to Identify the Best SEO Company for Your Business

Tips to Identify the Best SEO Company for Your Business

Imagine you invested your precious earnings on an SEO company to uplift your brand online and you end up breaking up with the company. All your time, efforts, money and above all trust go waste. Wondering why? You hired a company that failed to prove its promises.
It is a common concern for enterprises to find the right SEO Company for their business considering there are many options around. So how can you determine which is the best SEO Company out of the hundreds? Here are all the tips to identify the best SEO company for your business.
If you are thinking about working with an SEO company, look for:


A company that fails to prove what it speaks is a surefire fraud. Smart selectors get to know the true intentions of the SEO company in the first meeting itself with the way they communicate, present their proposals, and the answers they give against questions asked. Pay attention to what and how they say it. What they say should be backed by data, recommendations and case studies. Top SEO companies will offer enough information about their work experience and would be willing to meet with your team multiple times to solve your issues and concerns. Also, they will be clear enough in their objective, strategies they create and the tools and techniques they will use for your website.

Clear Track Record

The easiest way here could be to go to Google and search for the company you’re planning to hire and get all the information. You could also type “Company Name + Scam” in the Google search bar. However, we won’t suggest you do this way. This is because SEO companies are smart enough to implement several online reputation management efforts to wash off their bad spots. Instead, get into the real world and investigate the company. Ask the company about their specific clients and review their work yourself. You can also connect with their past clients to get insights on their work experience with the company in question. You can also go for referrals for better assurance. Based on your findings, you can determine your next course of action.

Offer Customized Pricing and Long-term Planning

Pre-packaged service is the first sign that the company might be unreliable. Pre-packages aren’t a feasible solution for companies these days as the requirements of each business vary. Hence, SEO agencies that offer customized SEO packages based on the requirements of your company can be considered right. Also, look for a company that is ready to work with you for longer and not just for a few months. They should come to you with long-term planning for your business with specific monthly goals and the measures they will take to achieve those goals.

Warning Signs of a Fraudulent SEO Company

Beware! You might be hiring an undeserving SEO Agency. Check out for these red flags before you trust any company:
Promising the moon and stars: “We can triple your website traffic in a month” is a clear indication of fake promise. Don’t go with such SEO companies.
Weak Content Strategy: If the SEO Company website has outdated content with complex navigation, it indicates they have a poor content strategy.
Unable to explain their methodology: If a company fails to explain how they generated positive results for their past clients and what all ‘unique’ they would do considering your business model, you should understand it’s a bad sign.

The Take-Away
Not all the SEO companies you shortlist will get you the results you want and vice versa. By keeping a cautious approach, you can definitely find the right SEO Company. We hope the above tips to identify the best SEO company for your business will help you!
For more such informative blogs or to get reliable SEO services in India, get in touch with Midriff Info Solution Pvt. Ltd. at

Tips to Identify the Best SEO Company for Your Business

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