Top Web Development Trends to Follow in 2020

Top Web Development Trends to Follow in 2020

The year 2019 cherished AI, Machine Learning and IoT as the major innovations in the web development industry to give users ultra-modern web experience. And there’s no doubt that these trends will continue to make their way to 2020 as well. Most of the trends that are expected to evolve or rise in 2020 are based on these technologies primarily.
So, take a look at what the new year has for the web developers and how this industry can expect to evolve better in the coming years. Here are Top Web Development Trends to Follow in 2020  to watch out for in the coming year.

API-First Design

Advanced technologies including smart homes, IoT devices, automatic cars, smartphones, and wearable tech are based on enormous API usage. Unfortunately, developing such connections can get tricky. This is because developers usually begin designing the User Interface first and integrate the APIs later.

This is a real overhead as most of the development at the front-end of the application is completed prior to API integration. This delay is caused because the front-end team can integrate APIs only when the back-end team is done with working on them. Hence, the front-end developers invest a lot of their time waiting for the APIs. To save time and delays, API-first design is expected to be the prime focus of web developers this year. With API-first design, developers can develop the API first and then build the product on top of it eliminating the need to re-write code, which in turn will enhance the website performance.

Motion User Interface (UI)

Interactive visuals have a better impact on website visitors. Visuals like animation make visitors stay on the website for longer lowering the bounce rates. Over the last few years, a new approach has emerged tremendously when it comes to making websites interactive: Visualization Users Motion (UI). If you aren’t aware of what it is, let us tell you – It is a way of supporting animation and transitions in web development. It helps in increasing the conversion rates of websites in a creative manner. Motion UI lets web developers create live graphics in the native app settings. Motion UI is a powerful way to control user interactions. Developers can change how their users interact with their businesses and stories with Motion UI. Not only this, it is a powerful way to activate the emotional front of users enhancing normal user activity.

Single Page Websites

This year Single Page Websites are expected to gain popularity. Unlike traditional websites with multiple landing pages or web pages, now developers would focus on placing different parts of a website on a single long page. Users would no more need to click and switch to pages over and over. Instead, they can simply scroll down the page or use links to navigate to different sections. Single page websites will eliminate the complex and deep menu focusing on simplicity and user-friendliness. Moreover, even the desktop websites can be used as mobile websites that can be accessed easily with the touch of a finger. With the developer’s point of view, these websites will require less time and effort without compromising quality or performance.

PWAs (Progressive Web Apps)

How can one forget about mobile apps when it comes to new trends? Mobiles devices, these days, nowadays, drive a substantial portion of web traffic, which is more than 50% of the overall traffic. This is because it is easier and faster to access mobile-responsive websites. With this in mind, progressive web apps are develop. But what are Progressive web apps? These are web applications that appear to be like mobile sites. However, these are the normal web pages or sites. PWAs offer the advantages of web browsers and apps with increased user-experience to users. Unlike native apps, PWAs need less development time and can be easily maintain. These also offer benefits of mobile apps including fast loading times, the ability to work offline, reliability, and push notifications. In today’s time when mobile apps are losing their appeal, Progressive Apps can turn out to be an outstanding alternative.


Trends will change and so will your website development needs! Hence, it is hard for you to keep up with the evolving trends. But if you don’t want to lose on any of the upgrades and new trends, get in touch with the best website development company, Midriff Info Solution. We ensure we create websites and apps that reflect the latest industry trends and standards so that you don’t feel outdated.

Top Web Development Trends to Follow in 2020

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